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Stir Fried Rice

Stir Fried Rice


Fried Rice is a dish that is a great way to use left over bits of vegetables from the refrigerator or frozen vegetables.  The basic elements are intact grains (brown rice, barley, faro, oat groats, etc.), tofu (tempeh, edamame, or other plant-based protein), and whatever vegetables you have.  If you want to make it gluten free use brown rice, millet, sorghum, oat groats, or other gluten free grains.

Season the rice with soy sauce, Tamari, or Bragg’s liquid aminos.  It’s OK to add other sauces like hoisin sauce, peanut sauce, Yuzu sauce, or whatever sauce you like.

The proportions are really flexible in this dish.  What is demonstrated will feed 2-4 people depending on how hungry your family is.